Sunday, May 3, 2009

Crisp late Autumn weather and perfect for cycling

We of the Handlebra Easy Rider Club who hit the road this morning on this perfect for cycling day, caught up with a group of four who had just left the Peninsula and were headed the same way. They called themselves SCOFF, or 'Social Cyclists Over Fifty Fraternity', and fitted right in. We showed them to great cycle path along the Henderson creek and we all stopped for a chat and a coffee at the Falls Restaurant.
This taken over my shoulder as we left the Peninsula and headed toward the cycle path.
Once we were on it, it was free sailing in the summery weather.
Touches of colour in all the trees and lots of dead leaves to sweep through.

Long black shadows and not even midday yet.

The only shot with me in the picture as we approach a bend.
After coffee, SCOFF headed off.
And we three ventured further into the district and then turned and ran over the same trail home.
past this great little church which had an Indian congregation in full song as we swept by.

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